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CAS NUMBER: 57-55-6

EC NUMBER: 200-338-0



IUPAC NAME: propane-1,2-diol

Propylene Glycol is a viscous, colorless liquid, which is nearly odorless but possesses a faintly sweet taste. 
Propylene Glycol's chemical formula is CH3CH(OH)CH2OH. 

Containing two alcohol groups, Propylene Glycol is classed as a diol. 
Propylene Glycol is miscible with a broad range of solvents, including water, acetone, and chloroform. 

In general, Propylene Glycol is non-irritating and have very low volatility.
Propylene Glycol is produced on a large scale primarily for the production of polymers. 

In the European Union, Propylene Glycol has E-number E1520 for food applications. 
For cosmetics and pharmacology, the number is E490.

Propylene Glycol is also present in propylene glycol alginate, which is known as E405. 
Propylene Glycol is also approved by the FDA for certain uses as an indirect food additive. 
Propylene Glycol is approved and used as a vehicle for topical, oral, and some intravenous pharmaceutical preparations

The compound is sometimes called (alpha) α-propylene glycol to distinguish it from the isomer propane-1,3-diol, known as (beta) β-propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is chiral. 
Commercial processes typically use the racemate. 
The S-isomer is produced by biotechnological routes.

Forty-five percent of Propylene Glycol produced is used as a chemical feedstock for the production of unsaturated polyester resins. 
In this regard, Propylene Glycol reacts with a mixture of unsaturated maleic anhydride and isophthalic acid to give a copolymer. 
This partially unsaturated polymer undergoes further crosslinking to yield thermoset plastics. 

Food and Drug:
Propylene Glycol is also used in various edible items such as coffee-based drinks, liquid sweeteners, ice cream, whipped dairy products and soda.
Vaporizers used for delivery of pharmaceuticals or personal-care products often include propylene glycol among the ingredients.
In alcohol-based hand sanitizers, Propylene Glycol is used as a humectant to prevent the skin from drying.
Propylene Glycol is used as a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable, and topical formulations. 
Many pharmaceutical drugs which are insoluble in water utilize propylene glycol as a solvent and carrier; benzodiazepine tablets are one example.
Propylene Glycol is also used as a solvent and carrier for many pharmaceutical capsule preparations. Additionally, certain formulations of artificial tears use propylene glycol as an ingredient

The freezing point of water is depressed when mixed with propylene glycol. 
Propylene Glycol is used as aircraft de-icing and anti-icing fluid. 
A 50% water-diluted and heated solution is used for removal of icing accretions from the fuselages of commercial aircraft on the ground 

Electronic Cigarettes Liquid:
A bottle of flavored e-liquid for vaping shows propylene glycol as one of the main ingredients along with vegetable glycerin.
Propylene glycol, glycerin, or a mixture of both, are the main ingredients in e-liquid used in electronic cigarettes. 
They are aerosolized to resemble smoke and serve as carriers for substances such as nicotine and flavorants

Miscellaneous Applications
*As a solvent for many substances, both natural and synthetic.
*As a humectant (E1520).
*As a freezing point depressant for slurry ice.
*In veterinary medicine as an oral treatment for hyperketonaemia in ruminants.
*In the cosmetics industry, where propylene glycol is very commonly used as a carrier or base for various types of makeup.
*For trapping and preserving insects (including as a DNA preservative).
*For the creation of theatrical smoke and fog in special effects for film and live entertainment. 
So-called 'smoke machines' or 'hazers' vaporize a mixture of propylene glycol and water to create the illusion of smoke. 
While many of these machines use a propylene glycol-based fuel, some use oil. 
Those which use Propylene Glycol do so in a process that is identical to how electronic cigarettes work; utilizing a heating element to produce a dense vapor. 
The vapor produced by these machines has the aesthetic look and appeal of smoke, but without exposing performers and stage crew to the harms and odors associated with actual smoke.
*As an additive in PCR to reduce the melting temperature of nucleic acids for targeting of GC rich sequences.
*As a surfactant, Propylene Glycol is used to prevent water from beading up on objects. 
Propylene Glycol is used in photography for this purpose to reduce the risk of water spots, or deposits of minerals from water used to process film or paper.

Propylene Glycol is a substance commonly used as a food additive or ingredient in many cosmetic and hygiene products.
Propylene Glycol is a synthetic food additive that belongs to the same chemical group as alcohol.

Propylene Glycol is a colorless, odorless, slightly syrupy liquid that is a bit thicker than water. 
Propylene Glycol has practically no taste

Additionally, Propylene Glycol can dissolve some substances better than water and is also good at retaining moisture. 
This makes Propylene Glycol very useful as a food additive, so it can be found in a wide variety of processed foods and drinks 

Propylene Glycol is sometimes confused with ethylene glycol, as both have been used in antifreeze due to their low melting points. 
However, these are not the same substance.

Where and How Is Propylene Glycol Used?
Propylene Glycol is commonly used as an additive to aid in the processing of foods and improve their texture, flavor, appearance and shelf life.
In foods, Propylene Glycol may be used in the following ways:

*Anti-caking agent: Propylene Glycol helps prevent food components from sticking to one another and forming clumps, such as in dried soups or grated cheese.

*Antioxidant: Propylene Glycol extends the shelf life of foods by protecting them against deterioration caused by oxygen.

*Carrier: Propylene Glycol dissolves other food additives or nutrients to be used in processing, such as colors, flavors or antioxidants.

*Dough strengthener: Propylene Glycol modifies the starches and gluten in dough to make it more stable.

*Emulsifier: Propylene Glycol prevents food ingredients from separating, such as oil and vinegar in salad dressing.

*Moisture preserver: Propylene Glycol helps foods maintain a stable level of moisture and stops them from drying out. 
Examples include marshmallows, coconut flakes and nuts.

*Processing aid: Propylene Glycol is used to enhance the appeal or the use of a food, for example, to make a liquid clearer.

*Stabilizer and thickener: Propylene Glycol can be used to hold food components together or thicken them during and after processing.

*Texturizer: Propylene Glycol can change the appearance or mouthfeel of a food.

Propylene Glycol is commonly found in many packaged foods, such as drink mixes, dressings, dried soups, cake mix, soft drinks, popcorn, food coloring, fast foods, bread and dairy products.
Propylene Glycol is also used in injectable medications, like lorazepam, and in some creams and ointments that are applied to the skin, such as corticosteroids.

Due to its chemical properties, Propylene Glycol is also found in a wide variety of hygiene and cosmetic products. 
Additionally, Propylene Glycol is used in industrial products like paint, antifreeze, artificial smoke and e-cigarettes

Propylene Glycol is commonly used as a food additive. 
Propylene Glycol helps preserve moisture as well as dissolve colors and flavors. 
Propylene Glycol is also used in some medications, cosmetic products, antifreeze and other industrial products.

Propylene Glycol is a synthetic liquid substance that absorbs water. 
Propylene Glycol is also used to make polyester compounds, and as a base for deicing solutions. 

Propylene Glycol is used by the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries as an antifreeze when leakage might lead to contact with food. 
Propylene Glycol as an additive that is “generally recognized as safe” for use in food. 

Propylene Glycol is used to absorb extra water and maintain moisture in certain medicines, cosmetics, or food products. 
Propylene Glycol is a solvent for food colors and flavors, and in the paint and plastics industries. 

Propylene Glycol is also used to create artificial smoke or fog used in fire-fighting training and in theatrical productions. 
Other names for Propylene Glycol are 1,2-dihydroxypropane, 1,2-propanediol, methyl glycol, and trimethyl glycol. 

Propylene Glycol is clear, colorless, slightly syrupy liquid at room temperature. 
Propylene Glycol may exist in air in the vapor form, although propylene glycol must be heated or briskly shaken to produce a vapor. 

Propylene Glycol is practically odorless and tasteless.
Propylene Glycol is odorless colorless liquid.

Propylene Glycol mixes with water. 
Propylene Glycol is a natural product found in Vitis vinifera, Pseudomonas putida, and Arabidopsis thaliana


-Molecular Weight: 76.09    

-XLogP3: -0.9    

-Exact Mass: 76.052429494    

-Monoisotopic Mass: 76.052429494    

-Topological Polar Surface Area: 40.5 Ų

-Physical Description: Thick odorless colorless liquid

-Color: Colorless

-Form: viscous liquid

-Odor: Practically odorless

-Taste: Practically tasteless

-Boiling Point: 187.6 °C

-Melting Point: -60 °C

-Flash Point: 99 °C

-Solubility: 13.14 M

-Density: 1.04

-Vapor Density: 2.62

-Vapor Pressure: 0.13 mmHg

-LogP: -0.92

-Autoignition Temperature: 700 °F

-Viscosity: 0.581 cP

-Heat of Vaporization: 168.6 cal/g

-Surface Tension: 40.1 dynes/cm

-Refractive Index:  1,431-1,433

-Chemical Classes: Other Classes -> Alcohols and Polyols, Other

Propylene Glycol is a viscous, colorless liquid, which is nearly odorless but possesses a faintly sweet taste. 
Propylene Glycol's chemical formula is CH3CH(OH)CH2OH. 
Propylene Glycol is classed as a diol. 

Propylene Glycol is miscible with a broad range of solvents, including water, acetone, and chloroform. 
Propylene Glycol is produced on a large scale primarily for the production of polymers. 

Propylene Glycol is also present in propylene glycol alginate, which is known as E405. 
Propylene Glycol is approved and used as a vehicle for topical, oral, and some intravenous pharmaceutical preparations
Propylene Glycol is also used in various edible items such as coffee-based drinks, liquid sweeteners, ice cream, whipped dairy products and soda.


-Hydrogen Bond Donor Count: 2    

-Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count: 2    

-Rotatable Bond Count: 1    

-Heavy Atom Count: 5    

-Formal Charge: 0    

-Complexity: 20.9    

-Isotope Atom Count: 0    

-Defined Atom Stereocenter Count: 0    

-Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count: 1    

-Defined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0    

-Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count: 0    

-Covalently-Bonded Unit Count: 1    

-Compound Is Canonicalized: Yes

Propylene Glycol is used as a solvent in many pharmaceuticals, including oral, injectable, and topical formulations. 
Propylene Glycol is also used as a solvent and carrier for many pharmaceutical capsule preparations. Additionally, certain formulations of artificial tears use propylene glycol as an ingredient
Propylene Glycol is used as aircraft de-icing and anti-icing fluid. 

Propylene Glycol is used in photography for this purpose to reduce the risk of water spots, or deposits of minerals from water used to process film or paper.
Propylene Glycol is a substance commonly used as a food additive or ingredient in many cosmetic and hygiene products.

Propylene Glycol is a synthetic food additive that belongs to the same chemical group as alcohol.
Propylene Glycol is a colorless, odorless, slightly syrupy liquid that is a bit thicker than water. 

Propylene Glycol has practically no taste
Propylene Glycol can dissolve some substances better than water and is also good at retaining moisture. 

Propylene Glycol is sometimes confused with ethylene glycol, as both have been used in antifreeze due to their low melting points. 
Propylene Glycol is commonly used as an additive to aid in the processing of foods and improve their texture, flavor, appearance and shelf life.
Propylene Glycol dissolves other food additives or nutrients to be used in processing, such as colors, flavors or antioxidants.

Propylene Glycol is used to enhance the appeal or the use of a food, for example, to make a liquid clearer.
Propylene Glycol can be used to hold food components together or thicken them during and after processing.

Propylene Glycol can change the appearance or mouthfeel of a food.
Propylene Glycol is commonly found in many packaged foods, such as drink mixes, dressings, dried soups, cake mix, soft drinks, popcorn, food coloring, fast foods, bread and dairy products.

Propylene Glycol is also used in injectable medications, like lorazepam, and in some creams and ointments that are applied to the skin, such as corticosteroids.
Propylene Glycol is used in industrial products like paint, antifreeze, artificial smoke and e-cigarettes

Propylene Glycol is commonly used as a food additive. 
Propylene Glycol helps preserve moisture as well as dissolve colors and flavors. 
Propylene Glycol is also used in some medications, cosmetic products, antifreeze and other industrial products.

Propylene Glycol is a synthetic liquid substance that absorbs water. 
Propylene Glycol is also used to make polyester compounds, and as a base for deicing solutions. 

Propylene Glycol is used by the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries as an antifreeze when leakage might lead to contact with food. 
Propylene Glycol as an additive that is “generally recognized as safe” for use in food. 

Propylene Glycol is used to absorb extra water and maintain moisture in certain medicines, cosmetics, or food products. 
Propylene Glycol is a solvent for food colors and flavors, and in the paint and plastics industries. 

Propylene Glycol is also used to create artificial smoke or fog used in fire-fighting training and in theatrical productions. 
Propylene Glycol is clear, colorless, slightly syrupy liquid at room temperature. 

Propylene Glycol may exist in air in the vapor form, although propylene glycol must be heated or briskly shaken to produce a vapor. 
Propylene Glycol is practically odorless and tasteless.

Propylene Glycol is odorless colorless liquid.
Propylene Glycol mixes with water. 
Propylene Glycol is a natural product found in Vitis vinifera, Pseudomonas putida, and Arabidopsis thaliana


propylene glycol
1,2-Propylene glycol
Methylethyl glycol
Methylethylene glycol
Isopropylene glycol
Monopropylene glycol
Trimethyl glycol
Propylene Glycol USP
Solargard P
Solar Winter BAN
dl-Propylene glycol
Methyl glycol
Ucar 35
PG 12
(+-)-Propylene glycol
alpha-Propylene glycol
.alpha.-Propylene glycol
S-(+)-Propylene glycol
1,2-Propanediol (8CI,9CI)
Ilexan P
1,2-(RS)-Propanediol; 1,2-Dihydroxypropane; 1,2-Propylene glycol
Propylene Glycol (Propane-1,2-diol)
1,2 Propanediol
Kilfrost ABC-S
S(+)-Propylene glycol
1,2-propane diol
All purpose lubricant
Propylene glycol
Kollisolv pg
Centella Asiatica
1,2 -propanediol
Propylene glycol (TN)
racemic propylene glycol
Propylene glycol dl-form
racemic 1,2-propanediol
Propylene glycol
Glycol, polypropylene
Poly(propylene glycol)
Poly(propylene glycol)
Propylene Glycol
Propylene glycol
Poly[oxy(methyl-1,2-ethanediyl)], .alpha.-hydro-.omega.-hydroxy-
Propylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Propylene glycol
Soybean oil

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